articles bibliography dic:climate dic:country dic:disease dic:funders species:binomial word:frequencies
PMC3828158 local
titl: The effects of weather and cli ...
date: jour:
abst: BACKGROUND: There is much unce ...
climate x 43 Mexico x 15 viral disease University of East Anglia, x 4 Aedes aegypti x 3 [], x 31
PMC4105574 local
titl: Proximity to coast is linked t ...
date: jour:
abst: Psychologists have examined th ...
climate x 101 New Zealand x 17 University of Auckland x 3 change x 77
PMC4113880 local
titl: Climate change and human healt ...
date: jour:
abst: null
climate x 28 Australia x 6 infectious disease x 2 Aedes albopictus climate x 28
PMC4181937 local
titl: Protecting our children from c ...
date: jour:
abst: null
climate x 17 Department of Health x 2 Health x 21
PMC4182597 local
titl: Predicting vulnerabilities of ...
date: jour:
abst: Despite an increase in conserv ...
climate x 141 United States x 10 Royal Society x 7 Ficedula hypoleuca increase x 24
PMC4219788 local
titl: Economic evidence on the healt ...
date: jour:
abst: In responding to the health im ...
climate x 67 United Kingdom x 6 diarrhea x 3 European Commission x 6 costs x 75
PMC4221772 local
titl: Climate change and health: rec ...
date: jour:
abst: null
climate x 16 New Zealand World Health Organization x 3
PMC4271334 local
titl: Adapting to the health impacts ...
date: jour:
abst: The climate is changing and th ...
climate x 29 Fiji x 7 tuberculosis x 2 World Health Organization, Climate x 24
PMC4276625 local
titl: A survey of African American p ...
date: jour:
abst: The U.S. National Climate Asse ...
climate x 77 United States. allergy x 2 George Mason University x 3 (%), x 22
PMC4276665 local
titl: Health care facilities resilie ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change will increase t ...
climate x 94 Canada x 39 infectious disease x 4 World Health Organization x 6 increase x 26
PMC4289000 local
titl: Climate change, phenology, and ...
date: jour:
abst: Knowledge of how species inter ...
climate x 39 Sweden x 10 Royal Society x 4 Anthocharis cardamines x 37 climate x 39
PMC4306883 local
titl: Public health adaptation to cl ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change poses numerous ...
climate x 142 Canada x 79 infectious disease x 4 Health Canada x 15 (QC) x 29
PMC4306891 local
titl: A method for screening climate ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change is a significan ...
climate x 106 China x 11 infectious disease x 15 World Health Organization x 2 temperature x 21
PMC4309972 local
titl: Impacts of reactive nitrogen o ...
date: jour:
abst: China is mobilizing the larges ...
climate x 76 China x 52 Chinese Academy of Sciences x 2 China x 52
PMC4310580 local
titl: Biological invasions, climate ...
date: jour:
abst: The rate of biological invasio ...
climate x 62 Australia x 15 influenza National Academy of Sciences x 14 Aedes aegypti x 4 Science x 21
PMC4321020 local
titl: Climate change, urbanization a ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change and urbanizatio ...
climate x 11 malaria x 4 United Nations x 2
PMC4340922 local
titl: The scientific consensus on cl ...
date: jour:
abst: There is currently widespread ...
climate x 55 United States x 3 Yale University, scientific x 58
PMC4342967 local
titl: Climate change and Ixodes tick ...
date: jour:
abst: The evidence that climate warm ...
climate x 83 Canada x 8 encephalitis x 8 Royal Society x 3 Ixodes scapularis x 17 model x 27
PMC4359208 local
titl: Understanding Farmer Perspecti ...
date: jour:
abst: Agriculture is vulnerable to c ...
climate x 214 United States x 5 U.S. Department of Agriculture x 3 Perceived risks support x 59
PMC4364817 local
titl: Physiological ecology meets cl ...
date: jour:
abst: In this article, we pointed ou ...
climate x 45 Chile x 2 Pörtner x 23
PMC4399882 local
titl: Noah's Ark conservation will n ...
date: jour:
abst: BACKGROUND:Effective conservat ...
climate x 104 Australia x 14 Department of Primary Industries, x 3 Themeda triandra x 8 Grassland x 21
PMC4410204 local
titl: Climate change impacts on envi ...
date: jour:
abst: This paper reviews information ...
Arctic x 96 Greenland x 17 obesity European Commission x 2 emissions x 40
PMC4414563 local
titl: Hand in hand: public endorseme ...
date: jour:
abst: This research investigated how ...
climate x 125 Switzerland x 7 Economic and Social Research Council x 2 personal x 37
PMC4446039 local
titl: Mapping the Drivers of Climate ...
date: jour:
abst: Effective conservation managem ...
climate x 141 Australia x 19 University of Queensland, x 2 Bufo marinus particular x 38
PMC4446935 local
titl: Mental health effects of clima ...
date: jour:
abst: We all know that 2014 has been ...
climate x 45 India x 4 bipolar disorder. likely x 34
PMC4452221 local
titl: Shading and watering as a tool ...
date: jour:
abst: Increasing sand temperatures r ...
climate x 20 Costa Rica. x 11 Mississippi State University, Lepidochelys olivacea temperatures x 38
PMC4454569 local
titl: Effects of climate change on p ...
date: jour:
abst: The impacts of climate change ...
climate x 63 China x 6 Sun Yat-sen University. x 2 Cryptocarya concinna x 3 model x 24
PMC4455574 local
titl: Air quality and climate change ...
date: jour:
abst: null
climate x 22 United States x 3 asthma x 4 National Center for Atmospheric Research x 2 air x 27
PMC4468458 local
titl: Systematic review on adverse b ...
date: jour:
abst: BACKGROUND: Climate change and ...
climate x 17 Sweden eclampsia x 5 American Academy of Pediatrics x 2
PMC4488561 local
titl: Predicting Impacts of Future C ...
date: jour:
abst: Chinese thuja (Platycladus ori ...
climate x 85 China x 9 National Academy of Sciences Platycladus orientalis x 55 area x 42
PMC4494406 local
titl: The Impacts of Climate Change ...
date: jour:
abst: The objective of this review i ...
climate x 43 Italy x 9 mastitis x 15 United Nations x 3 Streptococcus bovis increase x 24
PMC4495332 local
titl: A Survey of Registered Dietiti ...
date: jour:
abst: Dietary choices are a tool to ...
climate x 116 United States x 9 United Nations x 3 diet x 37
PMC4501821 local
titl: A Novel Modelling Approach for ...
date: jour:
abst: Global climate is changing due ...
climate x 60 Canada x 14 Department of Natural Resources, x 3 Picea sp increment x 34
PMC4515727 local
titl: Climate Change, Drought and Hu ...
date: jour:
abst: Droughts have been recorded al ...
climate x 109 Canada x 175 encephalitis x 7 Environment Canada x 11 Clostridium perfringens x 5 increase x 47
PMC4526865 local
titl: Understanding complex biogeogr ...
date: jour:
abst: Predicting the extent and dire ...
climate x 35 Portugal x 2 Universidade do Porto range x 26
PMC4527763 local
titl: Religion Does Matter for Clima ...
date: jour:
abst: Little research has focused on ...
climate x 115 Australia x 22 Charles Sturt University, x 3 beliefs x 22
PMC4542457 local
titl: Precipitation Extremes Under C ...
date: jour:
abst: The response of precipitation ...
climate x 86 United States x 5 University of New South Wales. Res x 27
PMC4546368 local
titl: Climate Change Sentiment on Tw ...
date: jour:
abst: The consequences of anthropoge ...
climate x 122 United States x 4 influenza x 2 National Academy of Sciences. x 2 "climate" x 28
PMC4546676 local
titl: Local Variability Mediates Vul ...
date: jour:
abst: Land use and climate change oc ...
climate x 94 United States x 11 Oregon State University, x 4 O. kisutch year x 25
PMC4551984 local
titl: Collapse of the echinoid Parac ...
date: jour:
abst: The European purple sea urchin ...
climate x 10 Israel x 7 Tel Aviv University Paracentrotus lividus x 19 temperature x 36
PMC4557981 local
titl: Projecting the Hydrologic Impa ...
date: jour:
abst: Wetlands are globally importan ...
climate x 61 United States x 8 National Park Service x 2 water x 78
PMC4558014 local
titl: Conservation Status of North A ...
date: jour:
abst: Human-induced climate change i ...
climate x 126 United States x 8 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service x 2 Climate stable x 4 data x 36
PMC4569037 local
titl: Freshwater wetlands: fertile g ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change will likely aff ...
climate x 52 Canada x 17 Environment Canada x 5 Phragmites australis x 6 Phragmites x 53
PMC4571615 local
titl: Adaptation pathways of global ...
date: jour:
abst: Agricultural adaptation is nec ...
climate x 44 Pakistan x 5 United Nations x 2 crop x 45
PMC4585922 local
titl: Many Atolls May be Uninhabitab ...
date: jour:
abst: Observations show global sea l ...
climate x 5 Cook Islands. U.S. Geological Survey, wave x 38
PMC4586659 local
titl: Infectious Diseases, Urbanizat ...
date: jour:
abst: China is one of the largest co ...
climate x 20 China x 64 infectious disease x 22 World Health Organization x 6 China x 64
PMC4586673 local
titl: The Influence of Climate Chang ...
date: jour:
abst: Mercury (Hg) is a global pollu ...
Arctic x 70 Germany x 2 Seventh Framework Programme applied x 24
PMC4587979 local
titl: Talking about Climate Change a ...
date: jour:
abst: The increasing prevalence of s ...
climate x 46 Australia influenza Newcastle University, search x 27
PMC4589389 local
titl: Tracking Public Beliefs About ...
date: jour:
abst: A simple question about climat ...
climate x 59 United States x 4 University of New Hampshire. x 2 New x 34
PMC4602807 local
titl: Adaptation and promotion of em ...
date: jour:
abst: The purpose of this study is t ...
climate x 8 United Kingdom National Science Council sequential-conveyance x 31
PMC4605713 local
titl: Biotic and Climatic Velocity I ...
date: jour:
abst: Metrics that synthesize the co ...
climate x 99 United States x 6 National Academy of Sciences x 3 data x 25
PMC4605966 local
titl: Climate change mitigation effe ...
date: jour:
abst: BACKGROUND:Harvested wood prod ...
climate x 21 Japan x 19 Ministry of the Environment. x 3 volume x 128
PMC4614813 local
titl: Climate change reduces nectar ...
date: jour:
abst: Global warming can lead to con ...
climate x 84 Greece x 2 European Social Fund Ballota acetabulosa x 32 plants x 35
PMC4626800 local
titl: Vegetation Greening and Climat ...
date: jour:
abst: Recent studies showed that ano ...
climate x 21 China x 2 University of Oklahoma x 2 land x 24
PMC4627009 local
titl: Research Priorities for NCD Pr ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change and non-communi ...
climate x 76 Switzerland x 6 obesity x 3 World Health Organization x 6 change x 57
PMC4627023 local
titl: Raising Public Awareness: The ...
date: jour:
abst: In addition to greenhouse gas ...
climate x 12 Bulgaria ECC x 44
PMC4631505 local
titl: Effects of Climate Change on H ...
date: jour:
abst: North America's coastal mounta ...
climate x 76 Canada x 5 National Academy of Sciences x 2 Capra ibex model x 26
PMC4643245 local
titl: Large diurnal temperature rang ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate variability is changin ...
climate x 25 Netherlands x 3 heart disease climatic x 22
PMC4648191 local
titl: Hot topics in biodiversity and ...
date: jour:
abst: With scientific and societal i ...
climate x 76 United States x 2 National Academy of Sciences x 2 change x 56
PMC4661167 local
titl: Assessing local vulnerability ...
date: jour:
abst: Vulnerability assessments have ...
climate x 51 Ecuador x 14 Inter-American Development Bank, Filled square x 3 land x 21
PMC4663491 local
titl: Was millennial scale climate c ...
date: jour:
abst: The mechanisms responsible for ...
climate x 24 Greenland x 18 European Research Council cooling x 25
PMC4664396 local
titl: Effect of Climate Change on In ...
date: jour:
abst: The Giant African Snail (Achat ...
climate x 55 India x 35 meningoencephalitis University of Chicago Achatina fulica x 51 invasive x 39
PMC4667833 local
titl: Losing your edge: climate chan ...
date: jour:
abst: Populations occurring at speci ...
climate x 88 Panama National Science Foundation x 3 local x 30
PMC4669504 local
titl: Contribution of human and clim ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change exerts great in ...
climate x 41 Canada x 29 University of Alberta annual x 22
PMC4669736 local
titl: Climate change and health in P ...
date: jour:
abst: null
climate x 20 Fiji x 4 dengue fever World Health Organization; x 5 health x 26
PMC4675185 local
titl: Climate Change and the Evoluti ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change and associated ...
climate x 4 United States. U.S. Army x 3 Zostera marina land x 21
PMC4681327 local
titl: Climate change and glacier ret ...
date: jour:
abst: The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) i ...
Antarctic x 50 Antarctica x 4 American Association for the Advancement of Science Malacobelemnon daytoni x 5 species x 28
PMC4682048 local
titl: The impact of climate change o ...
date: jour:
abst: Ambitious climate change mitig ...
climate x 43 France x 6 European Commission ensemble x 29
PMC4682990 local
titl: Mesocosms Reveal Ecological Su ...
date: jour:
abst: Understanding, predicting, and ...
climate x 52 Australia x 2 Royal Society x 2 Zootoca vivipara x 5 change x 36
PMC4684277 local
titl: Impacts of Climate Change on t ...
date: jour:
abst: Maple syrup production is an i ...
climate x 35 Canada x 8 Office of Science, Acer saccharum (J.d) x 44
PMC4687168 local
titl: Effects on asthma and respirat ...
date: jour:
abst: The major changes to our world ...
climate x 22 Italy x 3 asthma x 39 Ministry of Health x 4 respiratory x 68
PMC4690930 local
titl: Vulnerable Populations Perceiv ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change is already taki ...
climate x 119 United States x 6 cancer Department of Health x 4 risk x 80
PMC4690946 local
titl: Challenges and Opportunities f ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change poses a major t ...
climate x 310 United States asthma x 4 Public Health Institute x 4 (accessed x 26
PMC4697129 local
titl: Health in National Climate Cha ...
date: jour:
abst: null
climate x 77 Switzerland x 5 dengue fever World Health Organization x 5 change x 44
PMC4699983 local
titl: Climate change, biodiversity, ...
date: jour:
abst: We have killed wild animals fo ...
climate x 62 Sweden x 7 encephalitis x 6 Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Ixodes ricinus x 16 transmission x 24
PMC4700390 local
titl: Mapping Physiological Suitabil ...
date: jour:
abst: We mapped current and future t ...
climate x 34 South Africa x 4 malaria x 69 University of Florida x 3 Plasmodium falciparum x 3 suitable x 39
PMC4711888 local
titl: Projected Scenarios for Coasta ...
date: jour:
abst: Studies have demonstrated ways ...
climate x 90 Canada x 11 United Nations; x 3 Sardinops sagax x 2 (RCP x 21
PMC4711986 local
titl: Effect of Climate Change on Me ...
date: jour:
abst: We studied the effect of clima ...
climate x 112 Spain x 5 Ministry of Economy x 2 Anthus pratensis x 2 migratory x 29
PMC4717337 local
titl: Modeling behavioral thermoregu ...
date: jour:
abst: When possible, many species wi ...
climate x 30 United States University of California, Ochotona princeps x 5 time x 22
PMC4726359 local
titl: Growing sensitivity of maize t ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change can reduce crop ...
climate x 37 China x 22 University of Nebraska-Lincoln x 2 maize x 68
PMC4739546 local
titl: A Vulnerability Assessment of ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change and decadal var ...
climate x 186 United States x 17 Office of Science x 3 Science x 22
PMC4739570 local
titl: Will climate change impact the ...
date: jour:
abst: Merremia peltata is a species ...
climate x 61 Solomon Islands x 14 University of New England x 2 Merremia peltata x 72 islands x 22
PMC4740174 local
titl: Climate change not to blame fo ...
date: jour:
abst: Late Quaternary megafauna exti ...
climate x 68 Australia x 24 University of Adelaide x 2 Radiocarbon dating Fig. x 31
PMC4742864 local
titl: Global mismatch between greenh ...
date: jour:
abst: Countries export much of the h ...
climate x 88 United States x 4 United Nations x 3 GHG x 37
PMC4744676 local
titl: Disciplinary reporting affects ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change is affecting ma ...
climate x 85 Australia x 2 University of Washington x 4 Ursus marinus physical/chemical x 24
PMC4749709 local
titl: A Social Identity Analysis of ...
date: jour:
abst: Environmental challenges are o ...
climate x 53 Australia x 5 University of Queensland, x 2 research x 26
PMC4752022 local
titl: Conservation in the face of cl ...
date: jour:
abst: An increased understanding of ...
climate x 97 Solomon Islands. Wildlife Conservation Society. change. x 24
PMC4784974 local
titl: Climate Change Influences on t ...
date: jour:
abst: The geographic distribution of ...
climate x 29 United States x 7 hemorrhagic disease x 2 Ain Shams University, x 2 Culicoides imicola x 7 bluetongue x 26
PMC4785211 local
titl: Is 'Resilience' Maladaptive? T ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change adaptation is a ...
climate x 52 United States x 2 management x 31
PMC4785610 local
titl: Observing climate change trend ...
date: jour:
abst: Understanding the influence of ...
climate x 59 United States Royal Society x 3 variability x 31
PMC4794760 local
titl: Thermal niche estimators and t ...
date: jour:
abst: For management strategies in t ...
climate x 31 Spain x 4 European Social Fund Troglocharinus ferreri x 2 niche x 30
PMC4798790 local
titl: Controversy in Biology Classro ...
date: jour:
abst: The biological sciences encomp ...
climate x 21 Netherlands National Park Service science x 63
PMC4804225 local
titl: Data of a willingness to pay s ...
date: jour:
abst: The dataset includes responses ...
climate x 8 Germany x 5 Ministry of Education
PMC4811621 local
titl: Assessing the Role of Climate ...
date: jour:
abst: The sensitivity of vector born ...
climate x 34 Colombia malaria x 54 World Health Organization transmission x 21
PMC4821870 local
titl: Climate change and health in B ...
date: jour:
abst: Bangladesh is facing the unavo ...
climate x 75 Bangladesh x 40 pneumonia x 10 Ministry of Health x 3 Bangladesh x 40
PMC4822347 local
titl: Unravelling the health impact ...
date: jour:
abst: null
climate x 31 India x 5 leptospirosis World Health Organization. health x 26
PMC4827814 local
titl: The Effect of Information Prov ...
date: jour:
abst: Despite over 20 years of resea ...
climate x 88 United States x 3 autism Princeton University information x 84
PMC4828719 local
titl: Aflatoxin B1 contamination in ...
date: jour:
abst: Climate change has been report ...
climate x 29 Italy x 8 Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Aspergillus flavus x 10 aflatoxin x 49
PMC4837602 local
titl: Caribou, water, and ice - fine ...
date: jour:
abst: BACKGROUND:Freshwater lakes an ...
climate x 31 Canada x 6 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada x 2 Antilocapra americana bodies x 41
PMC4839681 local
titl: Climate Change Increases Droug ...
date: jour:
abst: Assessments of climate change ...
climate x 65 Kyrgyzstan x 9 University of Chicago J. seravschanica x 3 temperature x 30
PMC4839769 local
titl: Deforestation Induced Climate ...
date: jour:
abst: Deforestation is associated wi ...
deforestation x 140 Canada x 8 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada x 2 model x 24
PMC4847100 local
titl: Health Aspects of Climate Chan ...
date: jour:
abst: Cities with a Mediterranean-ty ...
climate x 107 United States x 5 respiratory disease, United Nations x 8 Risk communication extreme x 22