Data Brief Data Brief
Data in Brief
pmcid: 4804225 S2352-3409(16)30121-4 doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.03.013
: Data Article
Data of a willingness to pay survey for national climate change mitigation policies in Germany
Uehleke Reinhard
[], pmc-release: 2016-3-3 collection: 2016-6 epub: 2016-3-3 7 760 762 received: 2016-2-2 rev-recd: 2016-2-16 accepted: 2016-3-1
(C) , 2016 This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

The dataset includes responses from a contingent valuation study about the national climate change mitigation policies in Germany. The online survey was carried out in the spring of 2014. It assesses the willingness to pay for an increase of the national CO 2 reduction target by 10 percentage points, which closely represents Germany׳s climate change mitigation strategy. Respondents were randomly allocated to one of the following three question formats: The dichotomous choice referendum, the dissonance minimizing referendum and the two-sided payment ladder. The data can be used to investigate the influence of alternative statistical approaches on the willingness to pay measures and their comparison across question formats.

Willingness to pay
Climate change mitigation
Contingent valuation

Specifications Table

[alt-text] Table

Subject area Economics
More specific subject area Nonmarket valuation
Type of data Stata-file
How data was acquired Online survey
Data format Raw
Experimental factors No pretreatment of sample
Experimental features Split sample in three treatments differing by question format
Data source location Germany
Data accessibility Data is with this article

Value of the data


The data set contains 1512 records obtained from a nationwide web-based survey of WTP for new or intensified climate change mitigation policies that are needed to reach Germany׳s CO 2 reduction goal. The sample is representative for the German population between 18 and 69 by sex and age. The data is used to estimate willingness to pay across different question formats in "The Role of Question Format for the Support for National Climate Change Mitigation Policies in Germany and the Determinants of WTP" [1].

Experimental design, materials and methods

The questionnaire is designed to evaluate willingness to pay (WTP) in Germany for an increase in the CO 2 reduction target of 30% to 40% by 2020 compared to 1990. The target increase from 30% to 40% was selected for the contingent valuation (CV) scenario because it closely represents Germany׳s climate change mitigation strategy.

The three versions of the questionnaire differed only by question format. The question formats employed are the dichotomous choice (DC) referendum, the dissonance minimizing (DM) referendum and the two-way payment ladder (TWPL). The DM referendum provides further categories to the standard DC referendum, which allow the respondent to express favour for the referendum without having to agree to pay the posted price [2]. The TWPL gives subjects the opportunity to express their WTP as an interval. The bid vector for all treatments comprised 14 bid levels from very low values to very high values: {48; 72; 84; 108; 156; 192; 252; 324; 432; 540; 720; 960; 1200; 1440} € per household per year. WTP is expected to differ across formats because of the differing response incentives they pose [3].

The questionnaire is structured as follows: After a few introductory questions an information screen informed briefly about possible climate change mitigation measures that are prominent in the public discussion about the climate policy mix in Germany. After the information screen, subjects were presented a short cheap talk script and afterwards the CV scenario with the varying question formats. Fig. 1 presents the CV scenario with the DM referendum response options. The information screen, cheap talk script and CV scenarios (DC and TWPL) can be found in [1]. The last section surveyed the attitudinal measures and demographic characteristics.

Appendix A
Supplementary material

Supplementary material


Financial support by the

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
[FKZ 01LA1108B] and the
University of Rostock
is gratefully acknowledged.

Appendix A

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.dib.2016.03.013.